Friday, February 19, 2010

I found "why" people don't move forward in life

From a Jim Rohn's seminar, most people focus on past things that happened to them or are tripped in present routine where they can't focus on their future.

They keep on thinking back on why something in the past happened to them or who is to blame. It hit me a lot because that is what I've been trying to figure out lately. Why this? Why that? Why people don't understand a thing? Well that looks like a good start of answering those questions for me. It's probably not all but it gives me some clues for sure.

So for me and for other people who want to move forward in their lives, the main thing is to make sure we keep on looking at the future. We need to act to achieve our goals which will help us along the way like a "magnet" but also to pull us through all the obstacles along the way!

"Make sure the greatest pull of yourself is the pull of the future towards your goals."
- Jim Rohn (1930-2009)

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