Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Each man is the architect of his own fortune."

This quote from Appius Caecus (Roman politician; "the blind"; ca. 340 BC-273 BC - more information) makes me think unlike a lot of people that all of what we do is not determined by an already set up fate or programmed destiny but by our own acts and decisions.

I look at it as a way to always think positive telling myself that eventually everything will work out great but I have to take the lead and do what I'm supposed to be doing (and not waiting for the right moment).

I think we always have to initiate instead of waiting for something to help us. We have to take control of what we do!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

This quote from Confucious is my favorite one!

It tells me how much one single thing at a point in time can have so much importance in the future. A decision we can make today can have so much impact one, two or three years from now.

In the past couple years, I realized that my success in the US was only based by my decision to let what I built in my own country and try something new that I always dreamed about. So if I had not taken this "small" step by making the decision to leave my country, I would not had done what I did or met all the great people I had to chance to encounter so far.

Just "a single step..."