Monday, March 15, 2010

Just a little bit

I heard yesterday in a comic TV show: "when a few people do a lot, we have a few. But when a lot of people do a few, we have a lot".

So no matter what we do, even if it's not a lot, it's going to be a lot if we have enough people doing it. At the same time, on a personal note, if we were doing just a little bit everyday, at the end of a 365-day year, we would accomplished a lot!

Some people use this technic to write books. Most people think it takes days and months to write a 300-page book. We need to stay up late at night for days in order to do so. Well, if we just commit to write a page or half a page per day, at the end of year we would have between 180 to 360 pages written down.

So just a little bit each time and the days will take care of the rest!

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